Medical eligibility review
At Pearl Surrogacy, our focus in the medical eligibility review of our surrogates is whether you had complications in you prior pregnancies and deliveries and whether you are in good health. In general, to be eligible to be a surrogate, you must have at least one prior uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery. If you have questions about your personal circumstances, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Where you live matters
Your state of residence is relevant because, in some states, contracts to compensate surrogates are not enforceable. Every state has its own policy regarding surrogacy contracts, and the laws are frequently changing. In states where compensated surrogacy contracts are not enforceable, Pearl Surrogacy will only facilitate gratuitous, uncompensated surrogacy arrangements.
Final screenings
After you have found your mutual match, final medical and psychological screenings are completed by licensed medical and mental health professionals. Some additional medical tests are also part of the screening process. These include infectious disease screening by blood test and confirming that your uterus is normal. We will help coordinate scheduling all of your screenings.